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Initially titled "whatUseek intraSearch,"
siteLevel was developed starting in late 1997
and launched in early 1998. siteLevel is the original in managed site search. siteLevel's
mission is to provide cutting-edge site search technology for virtually any type of web site and to do
so in a user-friendly environment.
siteLevel's guiding principles include the following:
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Powerful Search Technology – At siteLevel's core is its powerful search functionality.
siteLevel has a wealth of search features, including phrasing, boolean queries, flexible
re-spidering, powerful URL structuring, relevancy ranking optimization, Search Slices™,
Jump Words™, and many more. Click here to view a
full list of siteLevel's features. |
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Scalability – siteLevel is suited to handle virtually any size of web site,
ranging from small business web sites to the largest of corporate sites. |
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High Quality Technical Infrastructure – siteLevel runs on the highest quality of technical
infrastructure, meeting the needs of mission critical applications.
Click here to learn more. |
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User-Friendliness –
siteLevel is provided in a user-friendly environment, taking into account varying levels
of webmaster experience and ease of implementation. |
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Customizability –
siteLevel provides extensive customizability of both appearance and functionality of
the site search solution. |
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Quick and Comprehensive Support – Customer support includes comprehensive online help
information as well as a staff of experienced and knowledgeable customer service
technicians. |
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Comprehensive Reporting –
siteLevel provides extensive reporting on search activity including search counter, keyword
frequency, queries with no results, and many more. |
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